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Girl with ice cream

Tutorial Length: 33 Minutes

This Project is with Fiona Peart ( a bonus project kindly permitted by Fiona within your subscription to vary your painting skills)

Girl with ice cream

Fiona begins by showing you some of her sketches and her preparation process, the different paper surfaces and how they can alter the results.This is a delicate painting project using just 5 colours. Fiona gives you some really good tips on selecting a good combination of colours before you begin. Using water soluble pencils she shows you the most simple approach to using these pencils with so many excellent tips for you!

Project Length: 32 minutes

Girl with ice cream

Tutorial Length: 33 Minutes

This Project is with Fiona Peart ( a bonus project kindly permitted by Fiona within your subscription to vary your painting skills)

Girl with ice cream

Fiona begins by showing you some of her sketches and her preparation process, the different paper surfaces and how they can alter the results.This is a delicate painting project using just 5 colours. Fiona gives you some really good tips on selecting a good combination of colours before you begin. Using water soluble pencils she shows you the most simple approach to using these pencils with so many excellent tips for you!

Project Length: 32 minutes

Watch a preview video on this page, once A SUBSCRIPTION is purchased, you'll be able to watch this and all other videos via your online account at any time.
Video tutorial comes complete with downloadable PDF file containing:
  • Outline Sketch
  • Reference image(s)
  • Materials / Equipment List
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